Sapphic Sanctuary
Five years ago I was in bed miserable again. I couldn't place why. I didn't want to know why. After all, I had what I was supposed to want. But it felt all wrong.
Nothing was adding up. Everything felt off and I had a sinking suspicion that something was broken inside of me.
If I could go back to that girl I would tell her
That she was not broken.
That nothing was wrong with her.
I would tell her that she was a LESBIAN. And that that was a beautiful thing to be.
I would tell her how to come out of the closet, how to find god in her lover's smile, and how to love more than she ever imagined. I would warn her that not everyone would understand. I would tell her that wouldn't matter because she would feel radiant.
If you relate to the girl I was before, it is my deepest intention that this podcast will help you.
Each week I will meet with you and give you Everything I have. My intimate stories, tarot readings and every tool and resource I used to get to where I am now.
I promise you are at the beginning of everything and not the end.
Sapphic Sanctuary
Feeling Trapped: The Three Stages And How To Move Through Them
This is the episode to listen to if you are feeling really freaked out and stuck in your life. I go into the three stages late blooming Sapphic women go through when they are in the closet. From denial to Creating a plan it's all covered.
Hey my loves send me a email with your story. Its going to take all of us to help each other your story could be the thing that really helps someone heal!
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